android - Circular text around a button -

this question has answer here:

i have button in ring shape , want add text around button. specifically, want text below. enter image description here

this simple custom view allows draw text in circular way.

public class graphicsview extends view {          private static final string quote = "this curved text";          private path circle;          private paint cpaint;          private paint tpaint;       public graphicsview(context context) {       super(context);        int color = color.argb(127, 255, 0, 255);        circle = new path();       circle.addcircle(230, 350, 150,;        cpaint = new paint(paint.anti_alias_flag);       cpaint.setstyle(;       cpaint.setcolor(color.ltgray);       cpaint.setstrokewidth(3);        setbackgroundresource(r.drawable.heart);        tpaint = new paint(paint.anti_alias_flag);       tpaint.setstyle(;       tpaint.setcolor(;       tpaint.settextsize(50);}        @override          protected void ondraw(canvas canvas) {          canvas.drawtextonpath(quote, circle, 485, 20, tpaint);}                                              } } 

example :

public class mainactivity extends activity {       @override     public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);        setcontentview(new graphicsview(this));} } 


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