angularjs - Angular: Select dropdown with ng-model-options setter getter set to true -

can show me example on how bind ng-options getter , setter model, plnker demo great.

example on want accomplish:

// can see item object 2 properties example: // {text: "hello", value: 10}  setgetobject: function(value) {     if (angular.isdefined(value)) {         myobject = angular.copy(value);  //copy incoming object      }     return ???? } 
<select class="form-control" name="rumfra" ng-model="gettersetter.setgetobject"    ng-options="item item.text item in track item.value"    ng-model-options=" {gettersetter: true }"> 

each time make new selection on dropdown set myobject new value dropdown not effected if return input element.

a working example on how use select tag ng-options , ng-model-options="{settergetter= "true"}" appreciated :-)

look @ numyx's example:

because working not objects. can objects?

just use ng-model . ng-model binds input,select , textareas. see example

<select ng-options=" p in animal"             ng-model="selectedanimal"></select> 


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