best solution to get values of multidimensional array in php -

i trying values of multidimensional array this

$post = array(    'k'=>'kk',    'l'=>'ll',    'n'=>array(        't'=>'tt',        'n'=>array(            'j'=>'jj',            'h'=>'hh'        )    ) ); 

my approach :

$ordered = array(); foreach($post $key=>$value){     if(!is_array($value)){         $ordered[] = $value;     }else{         $r = array_walk_recursive($value, function($v,$k) use(&$ordered){             $ordered[] =$v;         });     }  } 

expected output:

array (     [0] => kk     [1] => ll     [2] => tt     [3] => jj     [4] => hh ) 

i don't know if it's best solution , consider performance , backward compatibility older php

$ordered = array(); function myfunction($value, $key){    $ordered[] = $value; } array_walk_recursive($post ,"myfunction") var_dump($ordered); 

try one. may work condition.


$ordered = array();     function myfunction($value, $key){        global $orderd;        $ordered[] = $value;     }     array_walk_recursive($post ,"myfunction")     var_dump($ordered); 

this work correctly


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