codesmith - How to use current stored procedure of database in code smith for create template? -

i have data base , create more stored procedure it,now want use created stored procedures in code smith , create template it. do?

for example use table in code generator write follow property :

<%@ property name="sourcetables" category="database" optional="true" type="schemaexplorer.tableschemacollection"  description="the database tables" %> 

how write stored procedures ????

<%@ property ..... type="**schemaexplorer.???**" ... 

i work codesmith tools , there template want create stored procedures. can found in database/storedprocedures folder. source can found online here.

if wish interact stored procedure via property can via commandschema type.

<%@ property name="sourcecommands" category="database" optional="true" type="schemaexplorer.commandschemacollection"  description="the database stored procedures" %> 


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