Android- Bluetooth: Bluetooth Service behaving unexpectedly -
i writing android app can interact arduino. app have 2 buttons 1. connect 2. dis-connect, start , stop bluetooth service. have test sketch on arduino when receives "1" send "404"(just test!) phone.
here's bluetooth service class
public class bluetoothservice extends service { private bluetoothmanager bluetoothmanager; private servicehandler mshandler; public bluetoothservice(){} private final class servicehandler extends handler { public servicehandler(looper looper) { super(looper); } @override public void handlemessage(message msg) { } } @override public void oncreate() { super.oncreate(); handlerthread thread = new handlerthread("servicestartarguments", android.os.process.thread_priority_background); thread.start(); looper msloop = thread.getlooper(); mshandler = new servicehandler(msloop); } @override public int onstartcommand(intent intent, int flags, int startid) { message msg = mshandler.obtainmessage(); msg.arg1 = startid; mshandler.sendmessage(msg); bluetoothmanager=new bluetoothmanager(); bluetoothmanager.writedata("1", getapplicationcontext()); //sending "1" arduino string str= bluetoothmanager.readdata(getapplicationcontext()); //reading "404" arduino toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), str, toast.length_long).show(); return start_sticky; } @override public void ondestroy(){ bluetoothmanager.turnbluetoothoff(); } @override public ibinder onbind(intent intent) { return null; } }
now here's bluetoothmanager class:
public class bluetoothmanager { private bluetoothadapter bluetoothadapter; private bluetoothdevice bluetoothdevice; private bluetoothsocket bluetoothsocket; private connectedthread connectedthread; private byte[] buffer; public bluetoothmanager(){ buffer=new byte[256]; bluetoothsocket=null; bluetoothadapter=null; bluetoothdevice=null; connectedthread=null; getbluetoothadapter(); if(!isbluetoothavailable()){ turnbluetoothon(); } scantoconnect(); } public void turnbluetoothoff(){ try { bluetoothsocket.close(); bluetoothsocket=null; bluetoothadapter.canceldiscovery(); bluetoothadapter.disable(); bluetoothadapter=null; bluetoothdevice=null; }catch(exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } private boolean isbluetoothavailable(){ return bluetoothadapter.isenabled(); } private void turnbluetoothon(){ bluetoothadapter.enable(); } public string readdata(context context){ string outputstring=null; if(isbluetoothavailable()) { outputstring =; }else{ toast.maketext(context, "error: not connected", toast.length_long).show(); } return outputstring; } public void writedata(string string, context context){ if(isbluetoothavailable()) { connectedthread.write(string.getbytes()); }else{ toast.maketext(context, "error: not connected", toast.length_long).show(); } } private void getbluetoothadapter(){ try{ bluetoothadapter=bluetoothadapter.getdefaultadapter(); }catch (exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } private void scantoconnect(){ set<bluetoothdevice> paireddevices=bluetoothadapter.getbondeddevices(); if(paireddevices.size()>0){ try { (bluetoothdevice device : paireddevices) { if (device.getname().equals("hc-05")) { bluetoothdevice = device; new connectbt(bluetoothdevice); break; } } }catch(exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } } private class connectbt extends thread { public connectbt(bluetoothdevice device) { bluetoothsocket tmp = null; bluetoothdevice = device; uuid uuid = uuid.fromstring("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"); try { tmp = device.createrfcommsockettoservicerecord(uuid); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } bluetoothsocket = tmp; run(); } public void run() { bluetoothadapter.canceldiscovery(); try { bluetoothsocket.connect(); connectedthread = new connectedthread(bluetoothsocket); } catch (ioexception connectexception) { closesocket(); } } private void closesocket() { try { bluetoothsocket.close(); } catch (ioexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } } } private class connectedthread extends thread{ private inputstream minput=null; private outputstream moutput=null; private string strinput; public connectedthread(bluetoothsocket socket){ bluetoothsocket=socket; inputstream tmpin=null; outputstream tmpout=null; try{ tmpin=socket.getinputstream(); tmpout=socket.getoutputstream(); }catch(ioexception e){ e.printstacktrace(); closesocket(); } minput=tmpin; moutput=tmpout; } public void write(byte[] bytes){ try{ moutput.write(bytes); }catch(ioexception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } public string read(byte[] bytes){ try {; strinput = new string(bytes); }catch(exception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } return strinput; } public void closesocket(){ try{ bluetoothsocket.close(); }catch(ioexception e){ e.printstacktrace(); } } } }
my problem have press connect button twice connect arduino, first press enable bluetooth , second press connect arduino, send , receive data. not intended, enabling bluetooth , connecting should have taken place single press. why behaving this?
n.b: newbie java , android.
after enabling bluetooth take sometime paired device list. in case reading paired devices after turning on bluetooth. may delay connection part.
use handler methods delay execution.
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