python - Retrieving and Displaying a ManyToMany field in Django from a OnetoOne Class -
i trying display list of trees user can 'heart' in django , having no luck.
from django.db import models django.contrib.auth.models import user class tree(models.model): treeid = models.integerfield(primary_key=true) neighbourhood = models.charfield(max_length=128,blank=true) commonname = models.charfield(max_length=128, blank=true) diameter = models.floatfield(blank=true) streetnumber = models.positivesmallintegerfield(blank=true) street = models.charfield(max_length=128, blank=true) class userprofile(models.model): # line required. links userprofile user model instance. user = models.onetoonefield(user) # tree field used store user's favourite trees tree = models.manytomanyfield(tree, blank=true)
@login_required def favourites(request): current_user = userprofile.objects.get( tree_list = current_user.tree.all() context_dict = {'trees' : tree_list} return render(request, 'hug/favourites.html', context_dict)
{% tree in trees %} <p>tree id - {{ tree.treeid }}</p> <p> {{ tree.commonname|title }}</p> {% endfor %}
i have tried print statements , seems not line of code: tree_list = current_user.tree.all()
(as not print anything) , when run code on server get:
userprofile matching query not exist.
any advice appreciated.
there few problems code.
firstly, tree model defines primary key integerfield, not autofield. means won't allocate ids automatically; integrityerror when try , add new trees. unless there reason this, should omit field , let django define own automatic id.
secondly, code userprofile wrong. trying userprofile id same current user's id. assumes ids in user , userprofile same; , there no reason assume that. why "does not exist" error: looking wrong id.
the correct way userprofile user doing:
user_profile = request.user.userprofile
however, question why need userprofile model @ all. thing contains manytomanyfield; , since makes no difference side of relationship define on, why not put tree , make relationship directly user? avoids whole lookup , simplifies problem immensely. able do:
tree_list = request.user.tree.all()
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