objective c - When implementing the VIPER pattern as described on objc.io, should care be taken to hide ReactiveCocoa as an implementation detail? -

the guide @ http://www.objc.io/issues/13-architecture/viper/#using-viper-to-build-modules highly instructive , while none of groundbreaking, thought well-done.

the author suggested glue between layers ought reactivecocoa library. downloaded via cocoapods bit stuck. cannot find example of reactivecocoa + viper pattern.

my question: should a) make sure not expose reactivecocoa classes in interfaces, b) expose them because of relevance, or c) not worry it?

compare , b examples of detailsviewinteractorinputoutput.h

/* eg */  @protocol detailsviewinteractorinput<nsobject>  - (void)requestdetails;  @end  /* eg b */  @protocol detailsviewinteractorinput<nsobject>  - (racsignal *)requestdetails;  @end  /* eg */  @protocol detailsviewinteractoroutput<nsobject>  - (void)founddetails:(mydetails *)details;  @end  /* eg b */  @protocol detailsviewinteractoroutput<nsobject>  - (racsignal *)founddetails;  @end 


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