objective c - iOS: SDWebImageManager not caching image -

i'm creating slideshow using uiimageview, , image links in array , while @ it, learned sdwebimagemanager lets hit urls once , caches images later use.

but i'm monitoring in app 1st image cached, believe, 2nd image url being hit.

here's code:

- (void)viewdidload {     [super viewdidload];      arry = [[nsmutablearray alloc] init];     [arry addobject:@"http://adjingo.2cimple.com/content/151/image/6291.jpg"];     [arry addobject:@"http://adjingo.2cimple.com/content/151/image/6290.jpg"];      nsurl *imageurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:[arry objectatindex:0]];      __block uiactivityindicatorview *activityindicator;     __weak uiimageview *weakimageview = self.imageview;     sdwebimagemanager *manager = [sdwebimagemanager sharedmanager];     [manager downloadimagewithurl:imageurl                       options:0                      progress:^(nsinteger receivedsize, nsinteger expectedsize) {                          // progression tracking code                          if (!activityindicator) {                              [weakimageview addsubview:activityindicator = [uiactivityindicatorview.alloc initwithactivityindicatorstyle:uiactivityindicatorviewstylegray]];                              //activityindicator.center = self.imageview.center;                              [activityindicator startanimating];                          }                      }                     completed:^(uiimage *image, nserror *error, sdimagecachetype cachetype, bool finished, nsurl *imageurl) {                         if (image) {                             // image                             [activityindicator removefromsuperview];                             activityindicator = nil;                             [self.imageview setimage:image];                         }                     }];  //timer slideshow images timer = [nstimer scheduledtimerwithtimeinterval: 5.0                                              target: self                                            selector: @selector(handletimer:)                                            userinfo: nil                                             repeats: yes]; } 

here's handletimer code, reload image in image view, every 5 seconds:

-(void) handletimer: (nstimer *) timer {          currentimage++;         if ( currentimage >= arry.count )             currentimage = 0;          __block uiactivityindicatorview *activityindicator;         __weak uiimageview *weakimageview = self.imageview;         sdwebimagemanager *manager = [sdwebimagemanager sharedmanager];         [manager downloadimagewithurl:imageurl                       options:0                      progress:^(nsinteger receivedsize, nsinteger expectedsize) {                          // progression tracking code                          if (!activityindicator) {                              [weakimageview addsubview:activityindicator = [uiactivityindicatorview.alloc initwithactivityindicatorstyle:uiactivityindicatorviewstylegray]];                              //activityindicator.center = self.imageview.center;                              [activityindicator startanimating];                          }                      }                     completed:^(uiimage *image, nserror *error, sdimagecachetype cachetype, bool finished, nsurl *imageurl) {                         if (image) {                             // image                             [activityindicator removefromsuperview];                             activityindicator = nil;                             [self.imageview setimage:image];                         }                     }]; } 

here's monitor network usage: enter image description here

please guide me if have used sdwebimagemanagerwrongly.


my mother language chinese,not english.maybe cannot express thought clearly,while try best tell idea.if confuse , feel sorry.

i cannot pod sdwebimage because country blocks google sometimes,so cannot reproduce scenarios.while still give advice may

first of all, gave little context.maybe can post more information member variables , properties.when copy code xcode.i need add them myself.

second,you mean when use
nsurl *imageurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:[arry objectatindex:1]];,

sdwebimage hits urls every time , not use cache urls? can image source nslog cachetype.

completed:^(uiimage *image, nserror *error, sdimagecachetype cachetype, bool finished, nsurl *imageurl) {                         if (image) {                                                                                 nslog(@"%d",cachetype);                           [activityindicator removefromsuperview];                           activityindicator = nil;                           [self.imageview setimage:image];                      }                   }];` 

sdimagecachetypenone means image comes network.

sdimagecachetypedisk means image comes disk.

sdimagecachetypememory means image comes memory.

third,because downloadwithurl:options:completed: excuted not on main thread. doubt sequence same thought.


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