objective c - how to get item from rac_sequence, reactive cocoa, ios -
i parsing needed links in header of response server. header looks like
access-control-allow-origin → * age → 0 cache-control → private,must-revalidate
connection → keep-alive
content-encoding → gzip content-type → application/json
date → sat, 13 jun 2015 15:58:56 gmt etag → w/"cb38bb07f1635fd6aba5969985bf0607"
link → http://thisiscurrentlink&limit=24; rel="next",http://thisislastlink&limit=24; rel="last",http://thisisfirstlink&limit=24; rel="first",<>; rel="prev"
server → nginx
vary → accept-encoding
x-total-count → 131
transfer-encoding → chunked
by doing this, can links
array contains links
nsstring *linkheader = [(nshttpurlresponse *)operation.response allheaderfields][@"link"]; nsarray *links = [linkheader componentsseparatedbystring:@","];
then doing following links needed
racsequence *sequence = [links.rac_sequence map:^id(nsstring* item) { nserror *error; nslog(@"item %@",item); nsregularexpression *regex = [nsregularexpression regularexpressionwithpattern:@"<(.*)>" options:0 error:&error]; nsstring *actuallink; if (regex != nil) { nstextcheckingresult *result = [regex firstmatchinstring:item options:0 range:nsmakerange(0, item.length) ]; if (result) { nsrange range = [result rangeatindex:1]; actuallink = [item substringwithrange:range]; nslog(@"actuallink %@",actuallink); return [racsequence return:actuallink]; } } return [racsequence empty]; }];
right sequence
containing links are
http://thisiscurrentlink&limit=24 http://thisislastlink&limit=24 http://thisisfirsttlink&limit=24
my question how can access each item above sequence
just use array
method, converts racsequence array.
also, don't need use racsequence return:
, that's creating sequences within sequence, return usual string , nil, use filter
after map
remove nil values before trying extract array.
nsarray *actuallinks = [[links.rac_sequence map:^id(nsstring* item) { nserror *error = nil; nslog(@"item %@",item); nsregularexpression *regex = [nsregularexpression regularexpressionwithpattern:@"<(.*)>" options:0 error:&error]; nsstring *actuallink = nil; if (regex != nil) { nstextcheckingresult *result = [regex firstmatchinstring:item options:0 range:nsmakerange(0, item.length)]; if (result) { nsrange range = [result rangeatindex:1]; actuallink = [item substringwithrange:range]; nslog(@"actuallink %@",actuallink); } } return actuallink; }] ignore:nil].array;
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