debugging - Cannot debug webview with iOS simulator, webview and xcode -

execution suspends faithfully on breakpoint in webkit's debugger, few moments later, app crashes on simulator (see attached screenshot). using

  • xcode version 6.3.2 (6d2105)

  • ios simulator version 8.3

  • safari version 8.0.2 (10600.2.5, r185482)

it works on actual device.

enter image description here

update: happening in device well. console says:

bool _webtrythreadlock(bool), 0x16d32e00: multiple locks on web thread not allowed! please file bug. crashing now... 1   0x2e3ba3d7 <redacted> 2   0x226a5fed <redacted> 3   0x226a36ab <redacted> 4   0x226a39ff <redacted> 5   0x225f0201 cfrunlooprunspecific 6   0x225f0013 cfrunloopruninmode 7   0x2e3b9183 <redacted> 8   0x31065e23 <redacted> 9   0x31065d97 _pthread_start 10  0x31063b20 thread_start 


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