How to redirect user to a returned URL python -
so im testing out paypal rest sdk , im using python cgi language(i know 2007), anyway i've hit roadblock,in cant redirect returned url page.
i tried print location method. , did not work me.
# create payment using paypal sample # sample code demonstrates how can process # paypal account based payment. # api used: /v1/payments/payment paypalrestsdk import payment import logging logging.basicconfig( # payment # payment resource; create 1 using # above types , intent 'sale' payment = payment({ "intent": "sale", # payer # resource representing payer funds payment # payment method 'paypal' "payer": { "payment_method": "paypal"}, # redirect urls "redirect_urls": { "return_url": "http://localhost:3000/payment/execute", "cancel_url": "http://localhost:3000/"}, # transaction # transaction defines contract of # payment - payment , # fulfilling it. "transactions": [{ # itemlist "item_list": { "items": [{ "name": "item", "sku": "item", "price": "5.00", "currency": "usd", "quantity": 1}]}, # amount # let's specify payment amount. "amount": { "total": "5.00", "currency": "usd"}, "description": "this payment transaction description."}]}) # create payment , return status if payment.create(): print("payment[%s] created successfully" % ( # redirect user given approval url link in payment.links: if link.method == "redirect": # convert str avoid google appengine unicode issue # redirect_url = str(link.href) print("redirect approval: %s" % (redirect_url)) else: print("error while creating payment:") print(payment.error)
so me out if guys new of anyway throw 301 or 302 on users browser. thank you.
i kinda solved on own. add code
print 'content-type: text/html' print 'location: %s' % redirecturl print # http says have have blank line between headers , content print '<html>' print ' <head>' print ' <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s" />' %redirecturl print ' <title>you going redirected</title>' print ' </head>' print ' <body>' print ' redirecting... <a href="%s">click here if not redirected</a>' % redirecturl print ' </body>' print '</html>'
know script redirects page charm.thank you
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