mysql - Joining product attributes table with the product table to display product -

i have 3 tables listing products product attributes

product table dummy data

enter image description here

enter image description here

product_attributes dummy data

enter image description here

enter image description here

attributes dummy data

enter image description here

enter image description here

kespersky antivirus (productid = 1) has no attributes iphone (productid =2) has 2 attributes applicable it, memory , resolution both in attribute table has value stored in product_attribute table.

how join these tables show/display both products there corresponding attributes?


i need display these products

enter image description here

the following work number of attributes:

select product.productid,, group_concat(concat(attr.attributename, ":", pa.attributevalue)) product left outer join product_attributes pa  on (pa.productid = product.productid) left outer join attributes attr  on (attr.attributeid = pa.attributeid) group product.productid, 


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