converting matlab code to c code readiness error -

i want convert matlab code c code.but when trying do lots of warnings comping in code readiness report. although have sorted out lot of issues still there functions not supported , need alternative.

kindly tell me alternative codes errors.

let me more specific: these lines of function causing issue-:

  fn = fieldnames(pars); %current parametres fieldnames   main_fn = {'algorithm'};    pm_fn =            {'pm_tau','pm_window','pm_keypoints','pm_harris_prctile','pm_searchrange'};       m_fn =         {'window','range','tau','epsilon','growing','init_seeds_accept',  'seeds_accept','searchrange','searchrangev',    'max_candidates','vis_step','mu','csbeta','csalgorithm','grow_version'}; 

now in saying code generation supports cell operations varargin , vararout

if wants see full function here is:

the error screenshotenter image description here


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