mvc - ASP .Net MVC and WCF Identity (Claims) Integration -
we're building platform client asp .net mvc one, using asp net identity 2.0 authentication , authorization (using claims), works great on web side.
we have wcf service allows crud operations on database (for multiple client applications), gets requests asp .net mvc client. want validate (authenticate & authorize) user before making specific crud actions in wcf side, need claims of user client, , perform validations (preferably in clean manner using headers or binding wcf able support matter).
i've been searching different forums no simple answer\tutorial specific scenario. can assist on matter?
thanks, nir.
i love this:
in iendpointbehavior implementation on client end:
public object beforesendrequest(ref message request, iclientchannel channel) { request.headers.add(messageheader.createheader("token", "", _thetoken)); return null; }
then on service end add serviceauthenticationmanager
public override readonlycollection<iauthorizationpolicy> authenticate( readonlycollection<iauthorizationpolicy> authpolicy, uri listenuri, ref message message) { iprincipal user = new myuserprincipal(null); if(_currentservicecontracttype.getinterfaces() .any(x => x == typeof(imysecuredservice))) { var tokenposition = message.headers.findheader("token", ""); if (tokenposition >= 0 && tokenposition <= 5) { var encryptedtoken = message.headers.getheader<string>(tokenposition); if (!string.isnullorwhitespace(encryptedtoken)) { var serializedtoken = new myencryptionutility().decrypt(encryptedtoken); var token = mytokenserializer.deserialize(serializedtoken); var expire = new datetime(token.validtoticks); if (expire > { user = new myuserprincipal(token); } } } }["principal"] = user; thread.currentprincipal = user; return authpolicy; }
this gives ability use built in claims or wif claims authentication. eitherway, simple. token created service , sent client (web) , stored in cookie. when there requests, token grabbed cookie , sent along service, where, inevitably can start adding permissions service side, versus doing them on web/mvc side, making cleaner code base using everyone's favorite friend, soa >= :)
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