angularjs - Why does not work inserting HTML in Angular JS? -
i have html code:
<div dynamic="html"></div>
and angular js in ajax response:
$scope.html = content;
my dirrective dynamic
looks as:
.directive('dynamic', function ($compile) { return { restrict: 'a', replace: true, link: function (scope, ele, attrs) { scope.$watch(attrs.dynamic, function(html) { ele.html(html); $compile(ele.contents())(scope); }); } }; })
so, when have $scope.html
html code in response dynamic
not insert(prepend) code in div block. why?
...and angular js in ajax response:
i cannot see ajax call being made template.
so, when have $scope.html html code in response dynamic not insert(prepend) code in div block. why?
you not seeing content because html
, callback response in $watch undefined
from understanding, presume want have directive attribute value supplied html file make ajax request to.
<div dynamic="file.html"></div>
further, in link:{ ... }
function of attribute, can make ajax call supplied template path, html response data , insert/append div block containing directive.
link: function (scope, ele, attrs) { $http.get('file.html').then(function(content){ ele.html(; $compile(ele.contents())(scope); }) }
here's demo
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