Newbe help on getting from polygon shape file to Leaflet polygon -

learning leaflet. had success point data. want create polygons.

the process starts access record parcel identification number. using arcmap desktop, records joined parcel shape file county.

what best approach leaflet polygons here? point data, need add fields contain lat/lon data?

i don't need lot of detail; pointer in right direction. don't mind doing homework.

my approach convert shapefile geojson , load geojson leaflet map.

i'm aware of arcgis plugins export geojson, alternative approach use command line tool gdal (ogr2ogr).

see links on answer more details, command end being following...

ogr2ogr -f geojson -t_srs "epsg:4326" [name][.geojson|.json] [name].shp 

from there can preview results in or github before creating leaflet map.


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