javascript - CasperJS is not clicking my XPath item -

casper.then(function() {     console.log("click change password");'//*[@id="mainmenu"]/div[1]/ul/li[1]/a')); }); 

i know it's correct xpath. downloaded chrome's xpath plugin , verified correct xpath

my console says

caspererror: cannot dispatch mousedown event on nonexistent selector: xpath sele ctor: //*[@id="mainmenu"]/div[1]/ul/li[1]/a
c:/casperjs/modules/casper.js:1355 in mouseevent
c:/casperjs/modules/casper.js:462 in click g:/projects/index.js:137 c:/casperjs/modules/casper.js:1553 in runstep
c:/casperjs/modules/casper.js:399 in checkstep

any appreciated

html first page

<input alt="select" class="image  selecticon"   name="submit-chn:$internal_password.pss"  src="docs/pics/select.png"  title="select"   type="image"  /> 

html second page (i need enter data password field click submit button)

<input class="password text "  maxlength="250" name="_mypw"    type="password"  /> <input  class="submit "   name="submit-verify.x"       type="submit" value="verify password" /> 

html 3rd page (i need click href). [my casperjs code above suppose execute page 3. looks never navigated page]

<a   href="pss.exe?transaction=cgi_jump&sessdata=random&skin=default&lang=en-us"        >   change passwords </a> 


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