vb.net - Optimal sizes to display X picture boxes in an given space -

i searched before posting couldn't find close issue.

what need figure out how come optimal width , height of picture boxes (with 4:3 ratio), given required number of boxes displayed, , available space.

now, it's not simple dividing available space number of required boxes, because available space not uniform shape, rather 2 rectangles of size may vary (see picture, it's a+b space).

if fact, have tried starting there following code :

    private sub layoutsnapshots()     dim ltotalspace single, lsnapsize single, sxsize single, sysize single     dim integer, j integer, x integer = 0, y integer = 0, opic picturebox      ' bsnaps number of picture boxes displayed     if stsetting.bsnaps = 0 exit sub      ' osnaps list(of pictureboxe) groupp actual picture boxes     if osnaps.count > 0         each octrl picturebox in osnaps             me.controls.remove(octrl)         next     end if     osnaps.clear()      ' calculating a+b space shown on picture     ltotalspace = ((me.clientsize.height - menustrip1.height) * me.clientsize.width) - ((picpreview.width + imargin) * (picpreview.height + imargin))      if ltotalspace < 1         msgbox("window small. please adjust 1 of these settings : window size, snapshots count, live free view size.", msgboxstyle.applicationmodal or msgboxstyle.exclamation or msgboxstyle.okonly)         exit sub     end if      'calculating single picture's size dividing total space number of snaps     lsnapsize = math.truncate(ltotalspace / stsetting.bsnaps)      'calculating height , width, 4:3 ratio     sxsize = math.truncate(math.sqrt((4 * lsnapsize) / 3))     sysize = math.truncate(math.sqrt((3 * lsnapsize) / 4))      = 1 stsetting.bsnaps         if opic isnot nothing opic = nothing         opic = new picturebox         opic.backcolor = color.white         opic.borderstyle = borderstyle.fixedsingle         opic.size = new size(sxsize - 1, sysize - 1)         opic.location = new point(x * sxsize, (y * sysize) + menustrip1.height)          osnaps.add(opic)         ' layed them successively on screen, need optimize         if ((x + 2) * sxsize) > (me.clientsize.width)             x = 0             y += 1         else             x += 1         end if     next      each octrl picturebox in osnaps         me.controls.add(octrl)     next end sub 

but possibilities of windows resizing, couldn't think of practical way optimize it.

enter image description here

i pretty sure has "operation research", recall did optimization problems when student, i'm not sure how model or if solvable linear programming.

i have figured out. solution kind of "brute force" technique, doesn't return optimum error merely few pixels. used code below, works might need further optimization in terms of spacing. couldn't comment on since have time pressure right now, still wanted share answer, take time analyze :

private sub layoutsnapshots()      dim sa single, sb single, stotal single, ssnap single, swidth single, sheight single     dim icount integer = stsetting.bsnaps, ifit integer, ix integer, iy integer, iyg integer, integer     dim ra rectangle, rb rectangle, opic picturebox, lploc new list(of point), ploc new point      static bwarn boolean      dim gpic graphics      ' bsnaps number of picture boxes displayed     if stsetting.bsnaps = 0 exit sub      ' if controls on form, remove them , start form scratch     if osnaps.count > 0         each octrl picturebox in osnaps             me.controls.remove(octrl)         next     end if      ' osnaps list(of picturebox) grooping picture boxes. clear     osnaps.clear()      'sa, sb sizes of spaces , b respectively     sa = (me.clientsize.width * (me.clientsize.height - (menustrip1.height + picpreview.height + imargin)))     sb = ((me.clientsize.width - (picpreview.width + imargin)) * (picpreview.height + imargin))      ' total free space     stotal = sa + sb      ' condition important. ensures there @ least 1 solution     ' before entering loops bellow. otherwise might stuck in infinite loop     if (stotal < (stsetting.bsnaps * stsetting.bsnaps))          ' bwarn static boolean. since sub called form_resize event,          ' want warn user once when there no space.          ' otherwise becomes annoying.          if bwarn msgbox("window small. please adjust 1 of these settings : window size, snapshots count, live free view size.", msgboxstyle.applicationmodal or msgboxstyle.exclamation or msgboxstyle.okonly)         bwarn = false         exit sub     end if      bwarn = true      me.usewaitcursor = true               'ra, rb bounding rectangles of spaces , b respectively         ra = new rectangle(0, menustrip1.height, me.clientsize.width, me.clientsize.height - (menustrip1.height + picpreview.height + imargin))         rb = new rectangle(0, picpreview.top, me.clientsize.width - (picpreview.width + imargin), picpreview.height + imargin)          ' single box's size         ssnap = math.truncate(stotal / icount)          ' width , height 4:3 aspect ratio.         swidth = math.truncate(math.sqrt((4 * ssnap) / 3))         sheight = math.truncate(math.sqrt((3 * ssnap) / 4))          ' ifit keeps track of how many boxes fit in total         ifit = 0         iyg = 0         lploc.clear()          ' bit long explain next block of code , have deadline meet         ' i'll comenting on later         ix = 0         iy = 0         while (ra.height >= ((sheight * (iy + 1)) + 1))             if (((ix + 1) * swidth) + 1) <= ra.width                 ifit += 1                 lploc.add(new point(ra.x + ((ix * swidth) + 1), ra.y + ((iyg * sheight) + 1)))                 ix += 1             else                 ix = 0                 iy += 1                 iyg += 1             end if         loop          'add unused space b.         rb.height = rb.height + (ra.height - ((iyg * sheight) + 1))          ix = 0         iy = 0         while (rb.height >= ((sheight * (iy + 1)) + 1))             if (((ix + 1) * swidth) + 1) <= rb.width                 ifit += 1                 lploc.add(new point(rb.x + ((ix * swidth) + 1), ra.y + ((iyg * sheight) + 1)))                 ix += 1             else                 ix = 0                 iy += 1                 iyg += 1             end if         loop          application.doevents()          icount += 1      loop while ifit < stsetting.bsnaps      ' add controls form. lay them 1 next each other.     ix = 0     iy = 0     = 1 stsetting.bsnaps         if opic isnot nothing opic = nothing         opic = new picturebox          opic.backcolor = color.cyan         opic.borderstyle = borderstyle.fixedsingle         opic.size = new size(swidth - 1, sheight - 1)         opic.location = lploc(i - 1)          ' debugging, displays index of each box inside it.         opic.image = new bitmap(opic.width, opic.height)         gpic = graphics.fromimage(opic.image)         gpic.drawstring(i, new font("arial", 10, fontstyle.regular), brushes.red, new point(0, 0))          osnaps.add(opic)         me.controls.add(osnaps.last)     next      'catch ex exception      'finally     me.usewaitcursor = false     'end try end sub 

p.s : please feel free add more explanation code if want.


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