c# - Need help resolving redirect_uri_mismatch error -

i'm using google/facebook/linkedin authentication on asp.net mvc 5 website. reason, every once in while, users complain not being able login because redirect_uri_mismatch error.

as said, what's strange error seems happen intermittently , users. i'm including code down below can point out i'm doing wrong.

here's startup.cs file code

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.security.claims; using system.web; using owin; using owin.security.providers.linkedin; using microsoft.owin.security.cookies; using microsoft.owin.security.facebook; using microsoft.owin.security.google;  namespace mywebsite {     public class startup     {         public void configuration(iappbuilder app)         {             // set app use cookies authentication             var cookieoptions = new cookieauthenticationoptions             {                 authenticationtype = "cookies",                 cookiesecure = cookiesecureoption.sameasrequest,                 expiretimespan = timespan.fromminutes(60),                 slidingexpiration = true,                 loginpath = new microsoft.owin.pathstring("/account/login")             };             app.usecookieauthentication(cookieoptions);              // set external authentication             var externalcookieoptions = new cookieauthenticationoptions             {                 authenticationtype = "externalcookie",                 cookiesecure = cookiesecureoption.sameasrequest,                 expiretimespan = timespan.fromminutes(10),                 authenticationmode = microsoft.owin.security.authenticationmode.passive,                 cookiemanager = new helpers.systemwebcookiemanager()             };             app.usecookieauthentication(externalcookieoptions);              #region facebook authentication              var fboptions = new facebookauthenticationoptions             {                 authenticationtype = "facebook",                 appid = "myfacebookappidgoeshere",                 appsecret = "myfacebookappsecretgoeshere",                 signinasauthenticationtype = "externalcookie",                 provider = new facebookauthenticationprovider                 {                     onauthenticated = async ctx =>                     {                         var token = ctx.accesstoken;                          var id = ctx.id;                         var firstname = ctx.user["first_name"];                         var middlename = ctx.user["middle_name"];                         var lastname = ctx.user["last_name"];                         var gender = ctx.user["gender"];                         var birthday = ctx.user["birthday"];                         var email = ctx.user["email"];                         var username = ctx.user["username"];                          ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("urn:mywebsite:authorityid", "1", claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                          if (id != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.nameidentifier, id.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                         if (firstname != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.givenname, firstname.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                         if (middlename != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("urn:facebook:middle_name", middlename.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                         if (lastname != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.surname, lastname.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                         if (gender != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.gender, gender.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                         if (birthday != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.dateofbirth, birthday.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                         if (email != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.email, email.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "facebook"));                         }                          ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("fb.token", token));                     },                     onreturnendpoint = async ctx =>                     {                         if (ctx.identity == null)                         {                             // user not authenticated                             throw new httpexception(403, "unable authenticate facebook...");                         }                         else                         {                             if (ctx.properties.dictionary.containskey("returnurl"))                             {                                 ctx.redirecturi += "?returnurl=" + ctx.properties.dictionary["returnurl"];                             }                         }                     }                 }             };             fboptions.scope.add("user_birthday");             fboptions.scope.add("email");             app.usefacebookauthentication(fboptions);              #endregion              #region google authentication              var googleoptions = new googleoauth2authenticationoptions             {                 authenticationtype = "google",                 clientid = "mygoogleclientidgoeshere",                 clientsecret = "mygoogleclientsecretgoeshere",                 signinasauthenticationtype = "externalcookie",                 provider = new googleoauth2authenticationprovider                 {                     onauthenticated = async ctx =>                     {                         var token = ctx.accesstoken;                          var id = ctx.id;                         var firstname = ctx.givenname;                         var middlename = ctx.user["middle_name"];                         var lastname = ctx.familyname;                         var gender = ctx.user["gender"];                         var birthday = ctx.user["birthday"];                         var email = ctx.email;                         var username = ctx.user["username"];                          ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("urn:mywebsite:authorityid", "3", claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                          if (id != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.nameidentifier, id.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                         if (firstname != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.givenname, firstname.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                         if (middlename != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("urn:google:middle_name", middlename.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                         if (lastname != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.surname, lastname.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                         if (gender != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.gender, gender.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                         if (birthday != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.dateofbirth, birthday.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                         if (email != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.email, email.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "google"));                         }                          ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("google.token", token));                     },                     onreturnendpoint = async ctx =>                     {                         if (ctx.identity == null)                         {                             // user not authenticated                             throw new httpexception(403, "unable authenticate google...");                         }                         else                         {                             if (ctx.properties.dictionary.containskey("returnurl"))                             {                                 ctx.redirecturi += "?returnurl=" + ctx.properties.dictionary["returnurl"];                             }                         }                     }                 }             };             googleoptions.scope.add("openid");             googleoptions.scope.add("email");             googleoptions.scope.add("profile");              app.usegoogleauthentication(googleoptions);              #endregion              #region linkedin authentication              var linkedinoptions = new linkedinauthenticationoptions             {                 authenticationtype = "linkedin",                 clientid = "mylinkedinclientidgoeshere",                 clientsecret = "mylinkedinclientsecretgoeshere",                 signinasauthenticationtype = "externalcookie",                 provider = new linkedinauthenticationprovider                 {                     onauthenticated = async ctx =>                     {                         var token = ctx.accesstoken;                          var id = ctx.id;                         var firstname = ctx.user["first_name"];                         var middlename = ctx.user["middle_name"];                         var lastname = ctx.user["last_name"];                         var gender = ctx.user["gender"];                         var birthday = ctx.user["birthday"];                         var email = ctx.email;                         var username = ctx.user["username"];                          ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("urn:mywebsite:authorityid", "4", claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                          if (id != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.nameidentifier, id.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                         if (firstname != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.givenname, firstname.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                         if (middlename != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("urn:linkedin:middle_name", middlename.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                         if (lastname != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.surname, lastname.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                         if (gender != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.gender, gender.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                         if (birthday != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.dateofbirth, birthday.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                         if (email != null)                         {                             ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim(claimtypes.email, email.tostring(), claimvaluetypes.string, "linkedin"));                         }                          ctx.identity.addclaim(new claim("linkedin.token", token));                     },                     onreturnendpoint = async ctx =>                     {                         if (ctx.identity == null)                         {                             // user not authenticated                             throw new httpexception(403, "unable authenticate linkedin...");                         }                         else                         {                             if (ctx.properties.dictionary.containskey("returnurl"))                             {                                 ctx.redirecturi += "?returnurl=" + ctx.properties.dictionary["returnurl"];                             }                         }                     }                 }             };              app.uselinkedinauthentication(linkedinoptions);              #endregion         }     } } 

in settings google, facebook , linkedin, had http://www.yourdomain.com/signin-{socialsite} redirect uri. when added http://yourdomain.com/signin-{socialsite}, fixed issue. if you're having issue, please make sure have return uri , without "www".


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