C++ When restarting my hangman game my score gets deleted along with player info which I dont want -

i'm making hangman program , works fine except when game ends restarts , makes user input user again , score gets restart. how fix need help.i want when restart game name , score previous game same. cant figure out algorithm so. know messed in main function used copy constructor can't figure way restart words. can me!

in player.h file have:

#ifndef player_h_ #define player_h_  #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <cctype>  using namespace std;  class player { public:     player();     void makeguess(char &guess);     void win();     void lose();     char agree(); private:     string name;     int score;     string mystring;     char answer; };  #endif 

in hangman .h file have

#ifndef hangman_h_ #define hangman_h_  #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> #include <ctime> #include <cctype> #include "player.h"  using namespace std;  class hangman { public:     hangman();     char play(); protected:     player player2;     vector<string> words;     string the_word;     string sofar;     string used="";     int wrong;     char guess;     int count;     int maxwrong=0;     int x;     void respondincorrectguess(); };   #endif 

in hangman implementation file have:

#include "hangman.h" #include "player.h"  hangman::hangman() {     wrong=4;     guess='a';      cout<<"welcome dangerous game of hangman! luck "<<endl;      words.push_back("monkey");     words.push_back("hangman");     words.push_back("difficult");      srand(time(null));     x=rand()%3;      the_word=words[x];      cout<<words[x]<<endl;     sofar = string(words[x].size(),'-');     cout<<sofar<<endl; }  char hangman::play() {     while(1)     {         cout<<"the number of incorrect guesses have left is: "<<wrong<<endl;          player2.makeguess(guess);         respondincorrectguess();          if(wrong==maxwrong)             player2.lose();          else if(sofar==words[x])             player2.win();          if(wrong==maxwrong||sofar==words[x])         {             cout<<"the word was: "<<words[x]<<endl;             if(player2.agree()=='y')             {                 cout<<"player has agreed play again. restarting game.."<<endl;                 return 'y';             }         }     } }  void hangman::respondincorrectguess() {     if (words[x].find(guess) != string::npos)     {         cout << "that's right! " << guess << " in word.\n";          // update sofar include newly guessed letter         (int = 0; < words[x].length(); ++i)             if (the_word[i] == guess)             {                 sofar[i] = guess;             }         cout<<sofar<<endl;     }     else     {         cout << "sorry, " << guess << " isn't in word.\n";         cout<<sofar<<endl;         --wrong;     } } 

in player implementation file have

#include "player.h"  player::player() {     cout<<"enter name"<<endl;     cin>>name;     cout<<name<<" ";     score=0;     mystring="random"; }  void player::makeguess(char &guess) {      cout<<"enter guess"<<endl;     cin >> mystring;     guess=mystring[0];      cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(),'\n');      if(mystring.size() > 1)     {         cout<<"error"<<endl;         exit(1);     }     else     {         if((isdigit(guess)))         {             cout<<"error"<<endl;             exit(1);         }      }     guess = toupper(guess);//convert string first letter }  void player::win() {     cout<<"congratz win " <<name<<endl;     ++score;     cout<<"your score is: "<<score<<endl; }  void player::lose() {     cout<<"i'm sorry have been hunged"<<name<<endl; }  char player::agree() {     cout<<"would play again"<<endl;      cout<<"enter y or y yes, n or n no"<<endl;     cin>>answer;      if(answer=='y'||answer=='y')     {         return 'y';     }      else if(answer=='n'||answer=='n')         exit(1);      else     {         cout<<"invalid command. program exit"<<endl;         exit(1);     } } 

and in main file have:

#include "player.h" #include "hangman.h"  using namespace std;  int main() {      hangman game1;      while(1)     {         if(game1.play()=='y')         {             game1=hangman();//the name/score gets restarted dont want want else restarted word              continue;         }     } } 

in line game1 = hangman(); creating new object hangman , assigning game. meaning game1 had gone , start new game1. 1 alternative create constructor hangman create new object hangman same same player or create copy constructor. example(copy constructor):

hangman::hangman( const hangman& _hangman ){     this->player2 = _hangman.player2; } 


if(game1.play()=='y')     {         game1=hangman(game1);         continue;     } 

also, in c++11 can delegate constructors, meaning calling constructor constructor. let's say, in case default constructor initializes other aspects of hangman , don't want write again, can:

hangman::hangman( const hangman& _hangman ) : hangman(){     this->player2 = _hangman.player2 } 


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