rss - Copy Row if Sheet1 A contains part of Sheet2 C -

so i'm trying pull data in row separate sheet (sheet2!), if part of col has the date in sheet1! c1.

col ex: "build 251 @ fri jun 12 03:03:49 2015"

col c1 ex: "fri jun 12" (changes date every couple days)

i've tried these formulas don't work. errors "finished no results"; "error filter has mismatched range sizes"; "there no columna"; "formula parse error"

=filter("'github-changelog'!a", ("'github-changelog'!a" = 'x64 rss data'!c2))

=query('github-changelog'!a:f,"select * contains '(transpose(" "&c1:c&" "))'")

=filter('github changelog'!a,mmult(search(transpose(" "&'x64 rss data'!c1:c&" ")," "&'github-changelog'!a1:a&" "),sign(row('github-changelog'!a1:a))))

i'm not sure why i'm not getting results, date in a. if use =query('github-changelog'!a:f,"select * contains 'fri jun 12'") prints out single row, it's not reading c1 reason; , need dynamic match whatever c1 changes to.

*the true future ideal goal check sheet1!c against sheet2!a, if part of contains c copy whole row (sheet2!a:f) single cell (sheet1!e). along lines of if sheet2!a contains sheet1!c1 copy (sheet1!e=sheet2!d&c&b, believe needs full script writing accomplish i'm not sure how yet, learn; 1 thing @ time though (just thought i'd share better version of i'm trying accomplish).

here sheet i'm working on: pulls multiple pages on different sheets, cleanup pages of data. plan have update sheet searches changelog info date of current build , puts data next build. final sheet show recent build + commit changes nightly build. that's function being used, scrape changelog same date.

see if works:

=query('github-changelog'!a:f; "where contains '"&c1&"' ") 

where c1 (on same sheet formula) cell holds date (ex: fri jun 12).


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