Circleci: How to deploy depending on git tag -

is there way restrict circleci deployment on checkings have specific git tag?

currently using

... deployment:   dockerhub:     branch: master     commands:       - docker login -e $docker_email -u $docker_user -p $docker_pass       - docker push abcdef 

instead of branch: master write tag: /release_.*/

background: set docker tags depending on git tags. example, whenever committed master, new docker images latest tag created , pushed. whenever special git tag set (e.g. release_1.0_2015-06-13) new docker image tag 1.0 created , pushed.

alternative use different branches according different tags. use tags mark specific release.

it looks added since kim answered.

normally, pushing tag not run build. if there deployment configuration tag property matches name of tag created, run build , deployment section matches.

in below example, pushing tag named release-v1.05 trigger build & deployment. pushing tag qa-9502 not trigger build.

deployment:   release:     tag: /release-.*/     owner: circleci     commands:       - ./ 


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