ruby on rails - Customising Devise registration edit/update routes and views -

i've started using devise , i've made customisations:

everything works great except edit_user_registration stuff (the view users can change email , password or delete account).

this have registrations in config/routes.rb (parts not related registrations controller omitted):

devise_for  :users, skip: [:registrations]  :user    # joining     '/register' => 'users/registrations#new', as: 'new_user_registration'   post  '/register' => 'users/registrations#create', as: 'user_registration'    scope '/user'    # settings & cancellation   '/cancel'   => 'users/registrations#cancel', as: 'cancel_user_registration'   '/settings' => 'users/registrations#edit', as: 'edit_user_registration'   patch '/settings' => 'users/registrations#update'    # account deletion   delete '' => 'users/registrations#destroy'  end 

i changed put patch because i'm using rails 4 (is correct?).

this form_for tag in views/users/registrations/edit.html.erb:

<%= form_for(resource,  as: resource_name,                             url: registration_path(resource_name),                             html: { method: :patch }) |f| %> 

when try update settings user above code, 500 internal server error. submitting form attempts load /register (my signup page), surely not right. (i think heart of problem don't understand how fix i'm quite beginner.)

when try update settings user original put method (instead of patch), same problem.

my development web server says:

actioncontroller::routingerror (no route matches [put] "/register"): 

thanks in advance.

edit: added rake routes output below.

                  prefix verb   uri pattern                     controller#action    new_user_registration    /register(.:format)             users/registrations#new        user_registration post   /register(.:format)             users/registrations#create cancel_user_registration    /user/cancel(.:format)          users/registrations#cancel   edit_user_registration    /user/settings(.:format)        users/registrations#edit                 settings put    /user/settings(.:format)        users/registrations#update                          delete /user(.:format)                 users/registrations#destroy 

edit 2: rakes routes looks when remove custom routes , let devise handle registrations views etc.:

                  prefix verb   uri pattern                     controller#action    new_user_registration    /users/sign_up(.:format)        devise/registrations#new        user_registration post   /users(.:format)                devise/registrations#create cancel_user_registration    /users/cancel(.:format)         devise/registrations#cancel   edit_user_registration    /users/edit(.:format)           devise/registrations#edit                          patch  /users(.:format)                devise/registrations#update                          put    /users(.:format)                devise/registrations#update                          delete /users(.:format)                devise/registrations#destroy 



get 'settings'  => 'users/registrations#edit', as: 'edit_user_registration' put 'settings/:id' => 'users/registrations#update', as: 'update_user_registration' 


<%= form_for(resource,  as: resource_name,                         url: update_user_registration_path(resource_name),                         html: { method: :put }) |f| %> 

the problem registration_path submitting form /register, new users, you're trying edit existing user object, need submit correct update path. default, that's put /users/:id see when remove configurations.

it looks customizations have set user update path put /user/settings, try url: settings_path. you're aiming users/registrations#update action seen in row:

            prefix verb   uri pattern                     controller#action           settings put    /user/settings(.:format)        users/registrations#update 


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