python - Issue with sending nested json objects to sqlite db -

i have large file of json objects 1 object per line. send data sqlite database. each json object formatted this:

{"1": {"google": 5},  "2": "",  "3": 0.0,  "4": [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 20.0],  "6": "",  "7": 2,  "8": {},  "9": 1.0,  "10": 0.0} 

i tried code , got following error:

query = "insert daily values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"  columns = ['1', '2', '3', '4',            '5', '6','7',            '8', '9', '10']  open(json_file) f:     head = islice(f, 5)     x in head:         line = json.loads(x)         keys = tuple(line[c] c in columns)         c.execute(query, keys)  interfaceerror: error binding parameter 0 - unsupported type. 

two questions:

1) why getting error? assume has the first hey's value being nested dict, i'm not sure how fix it.

2) created table this:

c.execute('''create table daily          (1 text,           2 text,           3 text,           4 text,           5 text,           6 text,           7 text,           8 text,           9 text,           10 text)''') 

ideally, have separate columns key:value pair first key in object. again, assume possible, i'm not quite sure how this.

if have mongoclient connected running server, insert json database:

client.db.collection.insert(json) # insert json in collection of database db 

to retrieve entries simply, use find method of given collection of database db:

entries = client.db.collection.find() # find entries without specified argument 


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