javascript - Webpack: Create a bundle with each file in directory -

i trying bundle every angular module in webpack. target have 1 app.js bundled webpack configuration:

entry: {         app: "./app/app.js" }, output: {         path: "./build/clientbin",         filename: "bundle.js" }, 

i place bundle script in index.html entry point of app. have many modules in ./app/components folder. folder structure in like:

app |--components |  | |  |--home |  |  | |  |  |--home.html |  |  |--home.js |--app.js |--appcontroller.js 

i have required home.html in home.js when load home.js of needed files load. problem have several components home , want tell webpack bundle each component separately , name containing folder home.

how can config webpack create these bundles , put them in ./build/components?

a simpler way:

use globs in webpack.config.js:

here's example:

var glob = require("glob");  module.exports = {   entry: {      js: glob.sync("./app/components/**/*.js"),     } } 


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