c# - No overload for '...' matches delegate 'System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventHandler' -

after reading this question, has become apparent me writing event incorrectly. however, have no idea how going able re-write have written using object sender. event adds text selected checkboxes two-dimensional list (report), , order in report must same order of selected checkboxes. also, no more 2 checkboxes can selected @ time. here event:

void checkedlistbox_itemcheck(checkedlistbox chkdlstbx, itemcheckeventargs e)     {         int index = convert.toint32(chkdlstbx.tag);         if ((chkdlstbx.checkeditems.count == 0) && (e.currentvalue == checkstate.unchecked))         {             var.report[index].add(chkdlstbx.text);         }         if ((chkdlstbx.checkeditems.count == 1) && (e.currentvalue == checkstate.checked))         {             var.report[index].removeat(0);         }         if ((chkdlstbx.checkeditems.count == 1) && (e.currentvalue == checkstate.unchecked))         {             if (chkdlstbx.selectedindex < chkdlstbx.checkedindices[0])             {                 var.report[index].insert(0, chkdlstbx.text);             }             else             {                 var.report[index].add(chkdlstbx.text);             }         }         if ((chkdlstbx.checkeditems.count == 2) && (e.currentvalue == checkstate.checked))         {             if (chkdlstbx.selectedindex == chkdlstbx.checkedindices[0])             {                 var.report[index].removeat(0);             }             else             {                 var.report[index].removeat(1);             }         }         if ((chkdlstbx.checkeditems.count == 2) && (e.currentvalue == checkstate.unchecked))         {             e.newvalue = checkstate.unchecked;         }         updatereport();     } 

it being called line:

chkdlstbx.itemcheck += new itemcheckeventhandler(checkedlistbox_itemcheck); 

if me re-write event using object, that'd awesome. i'm not sure how else go solving problem!

this should suffice:

void checkedlistbox_itemcheck(object sender, itemcheckeventargs e) {     checkedlistbox chkdlstbx = sender checkedlistbox;     if (chkdlstbx == null)     {         throw new invalidargumentexception();     }     .... } 


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