ajax - Pass coordinates parameters to geoserver pgrouting service from Leaflet wms tile layer -

i've configurated pgrouting service in geoserver, following steps on documentation it's easy accomplish.

reading documentation, existing examples, etc.. i've come undestand how call must made javascript code:

        var mylayer = l.tilelayer.wms("", {             layers: 'pgroutingtest:pgroutingtest',             format: 'image/png',             transparent: true,             version: '1.0.0',             tiled:true         });         map.addlayer(mylayer); 

the call ok, no errors returned, no image added map.

my doubt is, how can pass origin , destination coordinates(x1,y1,x2,y2) parameters pgrouting service in order calculate route?

in example pgrouting documentation give us, done follow:

var viewparams = [   'x1:' + startcoord[0], 'y1:' + startcoord[1],   'x2:' + destcoord[0], 'y2:' + destcoord[1] ]; params.viewparams = viewparams.join(';'); result = new ol.layer.image({   source: new ol.source.imagewms({     url: 'http://localhost:8082/geoserver/pgrouting/wms',     params: params   }) }); map.addlayer(result); 

but example, made openlayers 3. how can achieve leaflet?


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