xml - Restriction on attributes depending on other attributes in XSD 1.1 -

in xml file "multiplechoice" node defined in following way:

<multiplechoice  numberofchoices="" percentage="0"> text 

corresponding needs of xsd schema, xsd definition of mentioned following one:

<xs:element name="multiplechoice" type="multiplechoicetype"/>  <xs:complextype name="multiplechoicetype" mixed="true">   <xs:sequence>     <xs:element  minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" ref="choice"/>   </xs:sequence>   <xs:attribute name="numberofchoices" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>   <xs:attribute name="percentage" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>   <xs:assert test="count(./choice) = @numberofchoices" /> </xs:complextype> 

what need add restriction "percentage" attribute:

  1. if in "actor" attribute have string "me", "percentage" attribute has specified following syntax of point 2)
  2. there have many integers specified "numberofchoices" attribute, separated 1 white space.

for example: if "numberofchoices"="3" in "percentage" need 3 integers, separated 1 white space, example "percentage"= "30 40 30".

in case in "actor" attribute there else string "me", don't care what's happening in "numberofchoices" , "percentage" attributes.

i need "percentage" attribute required , need following situation accepted well:

<multiplechoice actor="" bar="" points="0" numberofchoices="3" percentage=""> 

since in "actor" attribute there not string "me" don't have check what's in "percentage" attribute. has there anyway.

thanks in advance!

first of all, in example percentage xs:int attribute, need change xs:int list (and/or add regex if need 1 withespace between values).

then can use xpath tokenize function divide , count percentage value (example: tokenize('1 2 3 4 5', '\s') returns ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5').

example schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/xmlschema" elementformdefault="qualified"     xmlns:vc="http://www.w3.org/2007/xmlschema-versioning" vc:minversion="1.1">      <xs:element name="multiplechoice" type="multiplechoicetype"/>      <xs:complextype name="multiplechoicetype" mixed="true">         <xs:sequence>             <xs:element  minoccurs="0" maxoccurs="unbounded" name="choice" type="xs:string"/>         </xs:sequence>         <xs:attribute name="numberofchoices" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>         <!-- percentage list of xs:int -->         <xs:attribute name="percentage" use="required">             <xs:simpletype>                 <xs:list itemtype="xs:integer"/>             </xs:simpletype>         </xs:attribute>         <!-- new actor attribute -->         <xs:attribute name="actor" type="xs:string" use="required"/>         <xs:assert test="count(./choice) = @numberofchoices" />         <!-- count needs satisfied if actor=me -->         <xs:assert test="@actor != 'me' or count(tokenize(normalize-space(string(@percentage)),'\s')) =  @numberofchoices"/>     </xs:complextype>  </xs:schema> 

note i've used normalize-space xpath function function because ' 1 2 3' valid xs:int list (if want use regex instead).


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