vb.net - Statement is not valid in a namespace -

the code below returned statement not valid in namespace using vs-2010. please review code , recommend reasonable fix, research indicates should have bases covered importing presiding namespaces.

what more should to make valid?

the rest of these comments here past mandate verbose.

imports system imports system.web imports system.web.security ' membershipprovider.createuser public overrides function createuser(byval username string, _                                  byval password string, _                                  byval email string, _                                  byval passwordquestion string, _                                  byval passwordanswer string, _                                  byval isapproved boolean, _                                  byval provideruserkey object, _                                  byref status membershipcreatestatus)                        membershipuser return me.createuser(username, password, email, _                      passwordquestion, passwordanswer, _                      isapproved, provideruserkey, false, "", status) end function '  ' odbcmembershipprovider.createuser -- returns odbcmembershipuser  '  public overloads function createuser(byval username string, _                                  byval password string, _                                  byval email string, _                                  byval passwordquestion string, _                                  byval passwordanswer string, _                                  byval isapproved boolean, _                                  byval provideruserkey object, _                                  byval issubscriber boolean, _                                  byval customerid string, _                                  byref status membershipcreatestatus) _                       odbcmembershipuser dim args validatepasswordeventargs = _   new validatepasswordeventargs(username, password, true) onvalidatingpassword(args) if args.cancel     status = membershipcreatestatus.invalidpassword     return nothing  end if  if requiresuniqueemail andalso getusernamebyemail(email) <> ""     status = membershipcreatestatus.duplicateemail     return nothing  end if  dim u membershipuser = getuser(username, false) if u nothing      dim createdate datetime = datetime.now     if provideruserkey nothing         provideruserkey = guid.newguid()     else          if not typeof provideruserkey guid             status = membershipcreatestatus.invalidprovideruserkey             return nothing          end if      end if      dim conn odbcconnection = new odbcconnection(connectionstring)     dim cmd odbccommand = new odbccommand("insert users " & _            " (pkid, username, password, email, passwordquestion, " & _            " passwordanswer, isapproved," & _            " comment, creationdate, lastpasswordchangeddate, lastactivitydate," & _            " applicationname, islockedout, lastlockedoutdate," & _            " failedpasswordattemptcount, failedpasswordattemptwindowstart, " & _            " failedpasswordanswerattemptcount, failedpasswordanswerattemptwindowstart, " & _            " issubscriber, customerid)" & _            " values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", conn)      cmd.parameters.add("@pkid", odbctype.uniqueidentifier).value = provideruserkey     cmd.parameters.add("@username", odbctype.varchar, 255).value = username     cmd.parameters.add("@password", odbctype.varchar, 255).value = encodepassword(password)     cmd.parameters.add("@email", odbctype.varchar, 128).value = email     cmd.parameters.add("@passwordquestion", odbctype.varchar, 255).value = passwordquestion     cmd.parameters.add("@passwordanswer", odbctype.varchar, 255).value = encodepassword(passwordanswer)     cmd.parameters.add("@isapproved", odbctype.bit).value = isapproved     cmd.parameters.add("@comment", odbctype.varchar, 255).value = ""     cmd.parameters.add("@creationdate", odbctype.datetime).value = createdate     cmd.parameters.add("@lastpasswordchangeddate", odbctype.datetime).value = createdate     cmd.parameters.add("@lastactivitydate", odbctype.datetime).value = createdate     cmd.parameters.add("@applicationname", odbctype.varchar, 255).value = papplicationname     cmd.parameters.add("@islockedout", odbctype.bit).value = false     cmd.parameters.add("@lastlockedoutdate", odbctype.datetime).value = createdate     cmd.parameters.add("@failedpasswordattemptcount", odbctype.int).value = 0     cmd.parameters.add("@failedpasswordattemptwindowstart", odbctype.datetime).value = createdate     cmd.parameters.add("@failedpasswordanswerattemptcount", odbctype.int).value = 0     cmd.parameters.add("@failedpasswordanswerattemptwindowstart", odbctype.datetime).value = createdate     cmd.parameters.add("@issubscriber", odbctype.bit).value = issubscriber     cmd.parameters.add("@customerid", odbctype.varchar, 128).value = customerid     try         conn.open()         dim recadded integer = cmd.executenonquery()         if recadded > 0             status = membershipcreatestatus.success         else             status = membershipcreatestatus.userrejected         end if      catch e odbcexception         if writeexceptionstoeventlog             writetoeventlog(e, "createuser")         end if         status = membershipcreatestatus.providererror             conn.close()     end try      return getuser(username, false) else     status = membershipcreatestatus.duplicateusername end if  return nothing  end function 

your functions need wrapped in class or module.

imports system  class myfunctions      dim myvariable      function myfunction()      end function  end class 

from statement not valid in namespace on msdn,

the statement cannot appear @ level of namespace. declarations allowed @ namespace level module, interface, class, delegate, enumeration, , structure declarations.

to correct error:

move statement location within module, class, interface, structure, enumeration, or delegate definition.


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