Trouble connecting to SQL server with python -

i have installed microsoft sql server 2014 on pc want create database web application building (i have been learning python year , have basic experience sqlite).

after installing sql server 2014 , creating database called users, trying run basic commands database falling @ first hurdle on , over!

i have installed pymssql , pyodbc , tried running commands directly these have failed. (e.g. pymssql gives me typeerror: argument of type 'nonetype' not iterable when set variable conn = pymssql.connect(server, user, password, "tempdb")

my latest attempt use sqlalchemy achieve long awaited connection sql database. however, after installing this, failing on following error: "sqlalchemy.exc.operationalerror: (pymssql.operationalerror) (20009, 'db-lib error message 20009, severity 9:\nunable connect: adaptive server unavailable or not exist\nnet-lib error during unknown error (10035)\n')"

the question need answering is, how start talking database using sqlalchemy?

the code using follows: sqlalchemy import *

    engine = create_engine('mssql+pymssql://han & lew:@slugarplum:1433/users')      m = metadata()      t = table('t', m,             column('id', integer, primary_key=true),             column('x', integer))      m.create_all(engine) 

yes, pc called slugarplum. user han & lew. , server called thelroyserver. dsn = 1433. no password. (i don't know if wise giving information online data have not sensitive guess it's worth shot.)

also, if can direct me ultra-beginners resource python-sql server awesome getting beaten how complex seems be!

here's connect function , example connecting via pyodbc. connecting via pymssql should easy formatting connecting string pymssql. i've provided windows , linux options, tested on linux. hope helps.

def sqlalchemy_connect(connect_string):      """ connect database via odbc, start sql alchemy engine. """      def connect():         return pyodbc.connect(connect_string, autocommit=true)      db = create_engine('mssql://', creator=connect)     db.echo = false      return db  def main():     global dbconn      # linux freetds     connect_string = "driver={freetds};server=<server name>;port=<port num>;database=<db>;uid=<user>;pwd=<password>;tds_version=<version num>;"      # windows sql server     connect_string = "driver={sql server};server=<server name>;port=<port num>;database=<db>;uid=<user>;pwd=<password>;"      dbconn = sqlalchemy_connect(connect_string)   if __name__ == "__main__":     main() 


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