for loop - How to find all files that don't contain a string? -

i've found following code on site:

@echo off setlocal set "rootfolder=c:\yourrootpath" set "filemask=*.txt" set "outfile=missing.txt"  >"%outfile%" (   /d %%d in ("%rootfolder%") %%f in ("%%d\%filemask%") (     findstr /nbr "$o..*\.min%%" "%%f" | findstr /bl "1:" >nul || echo %%f   ) ) 

however, when run batch file, receive following error: "for unexpected @ time."

my research says caused not using double %%, not case. guess simple, can't work out, tips please?

this method should run faster:

@echo off setlocal  set "rootfolder=c:\yourrootpath" set "filemask=*.txt" set "outfile=%~p0missing.txt"  cd "%rootfolder%" findstr /s /m /b /r "$o..*\.min%%" "%filemask%" > temp.tmp ( dir /s /a-d /b "%filemask%" | findstr /v /g:temp.tmp ) > "%outfile%" del temp.tmp 

the missing.txt file stored in same folder of batch file, must not in folder of search files!


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