ruby on rails - How to add a new model (Video) to spree core associated with Product and its controller and a link to create it in Spree Admin layout -

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i want add last link video spree admin panel under product. how go ahead , make feature.

i appreciate help.

thank you

you can create spree extension or use 1 of existing extensions. in extension's models/spree directory create model file video.rb.

module spree   class video < activerecord::base   #add active record associations   #validations , model methods    end end 

you have decorate spree core models affected new video model. example spree product model. in extension's models/spree directory create product model decorator product_decorator.rb.

module spree   product.class_eval   #your video association product. e.g   has_one :video   end end 

you can other spree core models associated video model.

in extension's controllers/spree/adminyou have create videos_controller.rb. suggest take @ spree backend images_controller directions on how can add controller. if plan upload videos application, might need audio/video transcoder such paperclip-av-transcoder.

you have deface spree/backend/app/views/spree/admin/products/new.html.erb , spree/backend/app/views/spree/admin/products/edit.html.erb add video addition , removal functionalities. not know structure , complexity of application , therefore not definite answer direction on how can achieve want.



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