oop - Why is 1_2_3_4 a valid integer literal in java? -
this question has answer here:
why following work?
int a=1_2_3_4; system.out.println(a); // 1234
numeric literals specified in jls 3.10.1.
a decimal numeral either single ascii digit 0, representing integer zero, or consists of ascii digit 1 9 optionally followed 1 or more ascii digits 0 9 interspersed underscores, representing positive integer.
a hexadecimal numeral consists of leading ascii characters 0x or 0x followed 1 or more ascii hexadecimal digits interspersed underscores, , can represent positive, zero, or negative integer.
an octal numeral consists of ascii digit 0 followed 1 or more of ascii digits 0 through 7 interspersed underscores, , can represent positive, zero, or negative integer.
a binary numeral consists of leading ascii characters 0b or 0b followed 1 or more of ascii digits 0 or 1 interspersed underscores, , can represent positive, zero, or negative integer.
if you're asking why underscores don't have in groups of 3 digits decimal literals, different cultures group numbers differently - , hex , binary literals, depending on usage, want kinds of different obvious groupings.
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