c# - How to move data from one database table to another table of same database using ASP.NET MVC? -

i new asp.net , want move data database table table in same database. searched lot didn't find such thing in asp.net mvc. have table 1 , table 2 in abc database , want move data table 1 table 2. not have knowledge thing have know blog can solve problem. tried lot did not find.

like http://www.codedisqus.com/0qyjvjgpqg/move-data-from-one-listbox-to-another-on-button-click-in-aspnet-mvc.html


entity framework codefirst move data 1 table another

in order insert data 1 table (database1) table(database2).

check following code:

insert database2.dbo.table1 select * database1.dbo.table1 

with due respect sir ramiramilu :)


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