How can I have different color for each bar of stack barplots? in R -

my question maybe simple couldn't find answer! have matrix 12 entries , made stack barplot barplot function in r. code:

    mydata <- matrix(nrow=2,ncol=6, rbind(sample(1:12, replace=t)))      barplot(mydata, xlim=c(0,25),horiz=t,      legend.text = c("a","b","c","d","e","f"), col=c("blue","green"),axisnames = t, main="stack barplot") 

here image code:

enter image description here

what want give each of group (a:f , blue part) different color couldn't add more 2 color.

and know how can start plot x=2 instead of 0. know it's possible choose range of x using xlim=c(2,25) when choose part of bars out of range , picture this:

enter image description here

what want ignore part of bars smaller 2 , start x-axis 2 , show rest of bars instead of put them out of range.

thank in advance,

i'm not entirely sure if you're looking for: 'a' has 2 values (x1 , x2), legend seems hint otherwise.

here way approach want ggplot. first set data.frame (required ggplot):

set.seed(1) df <- data.frame(   name = letters[1:6],   x1=sample(1:6, replace=t),                  x2=sample(1:6, replace=t))    name x1 x2 1     5  3 2    b  3  5 3    c  5  6 4    d  3  2 5    e  5  4 6    f  6  1                  

next, ggplot requires in long format:

# make ggplot format require(dplyr); require(reshape2) df <- df %>%   melt(id.vars="name")     name variable value 1           x1     5 2     b       x1     3 3     c       x1     5 4     d       x1     3 5     e       x1     5 6     f       x1     6 ... 

now, want bars different colour, need give them alternate name can assign colour manually.

df <- df %>%   mutate(variable=ifelse(     name %in% c("b", "d", "f") & variable == "x1",     "highlight_x1",     as.character(variable)))     name     variable value 1               x1     2 2     b highlight_x1     3 3     c           x1     4 4     d highlight_x1     6 5     e           x1     2 6     f highlight_x1     6 7               x2     6 8     b           x2     4 ... 

next, build plot. uses standard colours:

require(ggplot2) p <- ggplot(data=df, aes(y=value, x=name, fill=factor(variable))) +    geom_bar(stat="identity", colour="black") +   theme_bw() +   coord_flip(ylim=c(1,10)) # zooms in on y = c(2,12) 

note use coord_flip (which in turn calls coord_cartesian) ylim=c(1,10) parameter 'zoom in' on data. doesn't remove data, ignores (unlike setting limits in scale). now, if manually specify colours:

p +  scale_fill_manual(values = c(     "x1"="coral3",     "x2"="chartreuse3",     "highlight_x1"="cornflowerblue")) 

enter image description here


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