c# - How to use AutoMapper with PagedList? -
i'd use automapper in order map viewmodel domain model class. i'm using pagedlist nuget package. i'm using way:
[authorize] [automap(typeof(errorslog), typeof(errorslogviewmodel))] public actionresult errors(string searchstring, string currentfilter, int? page) { if (searchstring != null) { page = 1; } else { searchstring = currentfilter; } var el = _er.geterrorslog(); viewbag.currentfilter = searchstring; if (!string.isnullorempty(searchstring)) { el = el.where(s => s.errorsource.contains(searchstring)); } const int pagesize = 3; int pagenumber = (page ?? 1); return view("errors", el.topagedlist(pagenumber, pagesize)); }
unfortunately got error:
missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping. mapping types: errorslog -> errorslogviewmodel digitalhubonlinestore.models.errorslog -> digitalhubonlinestore.viewmodels.errorslogviewmodel destination path: errorslogviewmodel source value: pagedlist.pagedlist`1[digitalhubonlinestore.models.errorslog]
how can fix that?
did have register mappings? error message, seems didn't call createmap
method anywhere yet.
take @ this.
as mentioned here, can create static class mappings...
public static class automapperconfig { public static void configure() { mapper.createmap<errorslog, errorslogviewmodel>(); } }
and call in global.asax:
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