swift - Appending Tuples to an Array of Tuples? -
i'm trying make array of tuples store data of to-do-list app can't figure out how append tuples array. here code:
first, array declared globally:
var eventlist : [(name: string, date: string)] = []
here's code tried use, complier error saying "missing argument parameter 'date' in call". (this line of code inside buttonpressed
eventlist.append((name: titlefield.text, date: convertdate(eventdate.date)))
why causing compiler error , how can fix it?
make typealias tuple , use it.
typealias mytuple = (name: string, date: string) var eventlist : [mytuple] = [] var v: mytuple = (name: "a", date: "1") eventlist.append(v) eventlist.append((name: "b", date:"2")) println(eventlist)
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