calendarview - how to change the particular date text color in calendar view using android? -

i using calendar view in android. trying change particular text colour in calendar view not able find method setselecteddatetextcolor(int color). please tell me how achieve this.

it's perfect work me. try it.

    private void initializecalendar() {     // todo auto-generated method stub     calendarview cvcalendar = null;     cvcalendar.setshowweeknumber(false);     cvcalendar.setfirstdayofweek(1);     cvcalendar.setselectedweekbackgroundcolor(getresources().getcolor(             r.color.darkgray));     cvcalendar.setunfocusedmonthdatecolor(getresources().getcolor(             r.color.darkgray));     cvcalendar.setweekseparatorlinecolor(getresources().getcolor(             r.color.white));     cvcalendar.setselecteddateverticalbar(r.color.white);     cvcalendar.setselected(false);     cvcalendar.setondatechangelistener(new ondatechangelistener() {          @override         public void onselecteddaychange(calendarview view, int year,                 int month, int day) {             // todo auto-generated method stub             // cvcalendar.canscrollvertically(day);              calendar c = calendar.getinstance();             c.set(year, month, day);             month = month + 1;              simpledateformat sdf = new simpledateformat("yyyy-mm-dd");             formatteddate = sdf.format(c.gettime());          }     });  } 


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