c# - Change image.Source in ListView according to boolean -
i have listview 2 columns: "visibility" , "name" of system. value of column 1: button (btn_visibility) image (img_visibility).
depending on boolean (true or false) object in code behind image should change, e.g. system.show_in_list = true; img_visibility.source = new bitmapimage(new uri(app.controller.paths.path_to_minus));
an image reachable under following relative path: app.controller.paths.path_to_"name of image", e.g. app.controller.paths.path_to_add;
my xaml-code in systemmanagementwindow.xaml:
<listview x:name="lv_systems" horizontalalignment="left" height="227" margin="313,5,0,0" verticalalignment="top" width="153" selectedindex="0" selectionchanged="listview_systems_selectionchanged"> <listview.view> <gridview> <gridviewcolumn header="{x:static p:resources.systemmanagementwindow_listview_col_1}" displaymemberbinding="{binding systemname}" width="110"/> <gridviewcolumn header="{x:static p:resources.systemmanagementwindow_listview_col_2}" width="34"> <gridviewcolumn.celltemplate> <datatemplate> <button click="editvisibility" commandparameter="{binding}" width="20"> <image x:name="img_visibility" width="10" height="10"/> </button> </datatemplate> </gridviewcolumn.celltemplate> </gridviewcolumn> </gridview> </listview.view> </listview>
many in advance!
for searching solution:
public class booltoimageconverter : ivalueconverter { public object convert(object value, system.type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture) { return (bool)value ? "d:\\test\\test\\bin\\debug\\img\\add.png" : "d:\\test\\test\\bin\\debug\\img\\minus.png"; } public object convertback(object value, system.type targettype, object parameter, system.globalization.cultureinfo culture) { return false; // not needed } }
edited mainwindow.xaml working parallel multicolumn listview:
<window.resources> <local:booltoimageconverter x:key="image_converter"/> <local:booltotooltipconverter x:key="tooltip_converter"/> </window.resources> [...] <listview x:name="listview" itemssource="{binding list}"> <listview.view> <gridview> <gridviewcolumn header="system" displaymemberbinding="{binding name}" width="100"/> <gridviewcolumn header="status"> <gridviewcolumn.celltemplate> <datatemplate> <button tooltip="{binding isactive, converter={staticresource tooltip_converter}}"> <image source="{binding isactive, converter={staticresource image_converter}}" width="15"/> </button> </datatemplate> </gridviewcolumn.celltemplate> </gridviewcolumn> </gridview> </listview.view> </listview>
just add following lines mainwindow.cs see result:
var list = new list<object>(); list.add(new { name = "first name", isactive = true }); list.add(new { name = "second name", isactive = true }); list.add(new { name = "third name", isactive = false }); list.add(new { name = "fourth name", isactive = true }); list.add(new { name = "fifth name", isactive = false }); list.add(new { name = "sixth name", isactive = true }); list.add(new { name = "seventh name", isactive = true }); datacontext = new { list = list };
hope helps.
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