multithreading - How to thread Matplotlib in Python? -

when thread matplotlib , dont close graph window (by mouse - close window button) following error:

exception runtimeerror: runtimeerror('main thread not in main loop',) in <bound method photoimage.__del__ of <tkinter.photoimage instance @ 0x7ff408080998>> ignored exception runtimeerror: runtimeerror('main thread not in main loop',) in <bound method photoimage.__del__ of <tkinter.photoimage instance @ 0x7ff3fbe373f8>> ignored                                                                    tcl_asyncdelete: async handler deleted wrong thread                                                                                                                              aborted 

what do: have main loop calling methods of instance. matplotlib method threaded init function of instance. cant call matplotlib method inside instance, don't know why, thread via __init__:

def __init__(self): .... thread = threading.thread(target=self.drawcharts, args=())         thread.daemon = false                                     thread.start() 

the threaded method:

def drawcharts(self):          global endthread math..          try:              plt.plot(k)             plt.plot(x1)             plt.plot(x2)             plt.plot(x3)             #plt.plot(v)             plt.ylabel('some numbers')                 self.drawcharts();         except:             self.drawcharts()           if endthread==1:             return           return 

the global variable endthread triggered exit function of program (keyboard exception).

i need matplotlib run independently rest of program, curses program , cant change structure, matplotlib can run in non-blocking mode or else. need blocking mode widgets of plot-window needed.

i suppose loop on same matplotlib window on , on - without closing plot windows - makes overflow in matplotlib. time works charm, exits ungracefully.

what can it? help!

you should questions , answers making non-blocking


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