c# - Asp.net visible button when 2 parameters match -
hello want make button visibile when userid stored in database match current userid.
string clientid = context.user.identity.getuserid(); jobdescriptions job = new jobdescriptions(); if (job.postedby == clientid) { button2.visible = true; else { button2.visible = false; }
postedby id of user posted on website saved on jobs table. problem button not visibile when statement should work.
the solution
if (!string.isnullorwhitespace(request.querystring["id"])) { int id = convert.toint32(request.querystring["id"]); jobreqmodel model = new jobreqmodel(); jobdescriptions job = model.getjob(id); string clientid = context.user.identity.getuserid(); if (job.postedby == clientid) { button2.visible = true; } else { button2.visible = false; } }
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