three.js transparent sphere glitch -

i have transparent sphere , spot light , that's it. sphere displays visual glitches, striations.


(note grid not necessary manifest bug. put in there show transparency working otherwise fine).

any thoughts on how rid of these glitches? seem depend on relative position of camera , spot light.

using three.js, r71.

here code fiddle since seems want it:

var screen_width = window.innerwidth - 100; var screen_height = window.innerheight - 100;  var camera, scene, _planemesh; var canvasrenderer, webglrenderer;  var container, mesh, geometry, plane;  container = document.createelement('div'); document.body.appendchild(container); scene = new three.scene(); camera = new three.perspectivecamera(30, window.innerwidth / window.innerheight, 1, 100000); camera.position.set( 380, 80, 100 ); var spotlight = new three.spotlight( 0xffffff ); spotlight.position.set( 180, 160, 0 ); var grid = new three.gridhelper(400, 40); grid.position.y = -20; scene.add(grid);         scene.add(spotlight);  camera.lookat( scene.position ); var material = new three.meshphongmaterial( {     color: 0xaaaa00,     emissive: 0xaa0000,     specular: 0xaa00aa,     shininess: 10,     side: three.doubleside,     shading: three.smoothshading,     opacity: .8, transparent: true } ); var size = 16.0; var spheregeo = new three.spheregeometry( size, 32, 16 ); var mesh = new three.mesh( spheregeo, material); scene.add(mesh);  var mesh = new three.mesh( spheregeo, material); mesh.position.y = 40; scene.add(mesh);  var mesh = new three.mesh( spheregeo, material); mesh.position.x = 60; scene.add(mesh);  // renderer webglrenderer = new three.webglrenderer(); webglrenderer.setsize(screen_width, screen_height); = "relative";  container.appendchild(webglrenderer.domelement); animate();  function animate() {     requestanimationframe(animate);     render(); }  function render() {     webglrenderer.render(scene, camera); } 

remove attribute side: three.doubleside. since drawing spheres, don't need it.


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