ios - how to add Hours to date in swift in this format "2015-06-11T00:00:00.000Z" as in one string while parsing in SWIFT -
how add hours date in swift in format "2015-06-11t00:00:00.000z" in 1 string while parsing in swift.
i trying add time date in ons string parsing in swift. have 2 texfields representing date , time date picker, when parse string date displays. want combine date , time in string , send server. please me in swift language
you can using nscalendar method datebysettinghour follow:
xcode 8.2.1 • swift 3.0.2
let df = dateformatter() df.calendar = calendar(identifier: .iso8601) df.locale = locale(identifier: "en_us_posix") df.dateformat = "yyyy-mm-dd't'hh:mm:ss.sss'z" if let date ="2015-06-11t00:00:00.000z") { let hour = 4 if let datewithtime = hour, minute: 0, second: 0, of: date) { let resultstring = df.string(from: datewithtime) print(resultstring) // "2015-06-11t04:00:00.000z" } }
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