dictionary - Jekyll - Scss map has not a valid value -

this scss map cause jekyll build fail (jekyll 2.5.3):

$content_width: (   mobile:    100%,   tablet:    500px,   desktop:   800px ); 

i've got error:

error: (mobile: 100%, tablet: 500px, desktop: 800px) isn't valid css value.

afaik, it's valid scss map, why wouldn't jekyll accept it?
first thought mixing percents , pixel point, i've got same error pixel values.

where starts driving me crazy have map, accepted:

$sq-breakpoints: (     mobile:    320px,     tablet:    768px,     desktop:   992px ) !default; 

i can copy/paste map, i'll error...

any idea?

bad, stupid answer stupid question.

it's written "valid css value", , not "valid scss value".

there hidden use of $content_width in scss files:

img {   max-width: $content_width; } 

this fail changed variable pixel value map. need use:

img {   max-width: map-get($content_width, desktop); } 


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