ruby on rails - User sessions and logins -

i trying implement signup & login features on ror. on index page have created 2 links saying 'new user' , 'login' , in userscontroller have signup & login methods(updated routes accordingly).

prob: upon clicking new user or login getting error saying

"the action 'show' not found userscontroller"


rails.application.routes.draw  resources :users  'users/register', :to=>'users#register' 'users/signup', :to=>'users#signup' post 'users/signup', :to=>'users#signup' post 'users/login', :to=>'users#login' 'users/login', :to=>'users#login' post "users/change_password" => "users#change_password" "users/change_password" => "users#change_password" 


<%= link_to "new user", users_register_path %><br> <%= link_to "login", users_login_path %><br> <%= link_to "change password", users_change_password_path %><br> 


def index   @user_details = user.all end  def register   puts "**********************"   puts params   @new_user = end  def signup   @new_user =   if   session[:user] = user.authenticate(,@user.password)   redirect_to :action=>"welcome"  else    redirect_to :action=>"login"  end end  def login   puts params   if   session[:user] = user.authenticate(params[:user][:name],   params[:user][:password])    redirect_to :action=>"welcome"   else   #  redirect_to :action=>"signup"  end end     def change_password     puts "**********************"    puts params    puts "**********************"    if   @pass_change = user.new_password(params[:user][:name], params[:user][:password], params[:user][:new_password])  end end  def welcome  end    def user_register     params.require(:user).permit(:name,:email,:password,:password_confirmation)  end   end 


require 'digest/sha1'  class user < activerecord::base    attr_accessor :password, :password_confirmation   def password=(pass)     @password = pass     self.salt = user.random_met(10)    self.hashedpassword = user.encrypt(@password, self.salt)  end    def self.encrypt(pass,salt)      digest::sha1.hexdigest(pass+salt)   end    def self.authenticate(login, pass)     user_auth = user.find(:first, :conditions=>["login = ?", login])     return nil if user_auth.nil?     return user_auth if     user.encrypt(pass,user_auth.salt)==user_auth.hashedpassword   end      def self.new_password(name,old,new)       user = where(:name=>name)       #puts       # how call setter(password) method here. because   idea      #if user.encrypt(old, user.salt)==user.hashedpassword      # run def password=(pass), thereby storing new password.     end    def self.random_met(len)      char = ("a".."z").to_a + ("a".."z").to_a + ("0".."9").to_a      salted = ""       1.upto(len) { |i| salted << char[rand(char.size-1)] }     return salted    end    end 

as written in guides,

rails routes matched in order specified, if have resources :photos above 'photos/poll' show action's route resources line matched before line. fix this, move line above resources line matched first.

you have defined resources :users above get routes, rails show route, error.


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