c# - code structure for streamWrite -

is there better way me streamwrite without needing repeat code every button press? below example working on 1 button it's own thing , writes accordingly vowels , other same thing except writes accordingly no alpha characters:

        private void btnvowels_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             string wholetext = "";             string copytext = richtextbox1.text;              if (system.io.file.exists(second_file) == true)             {                  system.io.streamwriter objwriter;                 objwriter = new system.io.streamwriter(second_file);                  string vowels = "aaeeiioouu";                 copytext = new string(copytext.where(c => !vowels.contains(c)).toarray());                 wholetext = richtextbox1.text + copytext;                  objwriter.write(wholetext);                 richtextbox2.text = wholetext;                 objwriter.close();             }             else             {                  messagebox.show("no file named " + second_file);             }         }  private void btnalpha_click(object sender, eventargs e)         {             string wholetext = "";             string copytext = richtextbox1.text;              if (system.io.file.exists(second_file) == true)             {                  system.io.streamwriter objwriter;                 objwriter = new system.io.streamwriter(second_file);                  string nonalpha = @"[^a-za-z ]+";                 string addspace = "";                 copytext = regex.replace(copytext, nonalpha, addspace);                  objwriter.write(wholetext);                 richtextbox2.text = wholetext;                 objwriter.close();             }             else             {                  messagebox.show("no file named " + second_file);             }         } 

why not doing way?

private void write(string file, string text) {     if (file.exists(file))     {         using (streamwriter objwriter = new streamwriter(file))         {             objwriter.write(text);         }     }     else     {         messagebox.show("no file named " + file);     } }  private void btnalpha_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     string wholetext = "";     string copytext = richtextbox1.text;      string nonalpha = @"[^a-za-z ]+";     string addspace = "";     copytext = regex.replace(copytext, nonalpha, addspace);      wholetext = richtextbox1.text + copytext;      write(second_file, wholetext); // same second button      richtextbox2.text = wholetext; } 


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