mongoose - Mongodb database schema design issue -
i have 2 collections in mongodb database :- users , clubs
user schema :- var userschema = new schema({ name: { type: string , required: true }, clubs: [ {type: mongoose.schema.types.objectid, ref: 'club'} ]});
now when user joins club , update club array . need fetch users particular club . therefore creating club schema :-
var clubschema = new schema({ clubname : { type: string , unique: true , required: true }, members : [ {type: mongoose.schema.types.objectid, ref: 'user' , default: [] } ]});
my question : right way , or should maintain club information @ user collection ? maybe need optimize query related fetching users belonging club.
it's quite hard what's "the right way" honest, case case depending on application queries , architecture.
i have seen people designed above; solving many-to-many relationships using reference in both collection. work case queries above:
db.user.find({"clubs": objectid("000000")}); #find users belonging club.{"users": objectid("111111")}); # find clubs user belong to.
with 2 indexes on:
db.user.ensureindex({"clubs": 1});{"users": 1});
though may reduce overall consistency. i.e. when delete club, need update other affected documents well. while in process of mentioned update, documents may not up-to-date. if don't have mongodb on replicas, not accessing db distributed systems , think problem not big issue, go design ease of query.
if think consistency mentioned above deal-breaker, go inserting clubs reference in users collection. common design, , 1 listed in mongodb official site.
i suggest optimising query first, before choosing add complexities in update/insert (because have update related docs having ref in users , clubs).
hope helps.
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