jquery - How to get `callback` from other element animation completion, not from self directive -

on click of element, doing animation other element (say sibling) how callback sibling scope function?

here code :

var myapp = angular.module('myapp', ['nganimate']);  myapp.controller('count', function($scope) {     $scope.flag=true;     $scope.animate = function () {         $scope.flag = !$scope.flag;     } }); 


$animate service may used handle enter , leave callbacks.

you have used ng-if show/hide content in example ng-if doesn't have hooks pass callback in. you'll have write own directive(say animated-if) , provide custom hooks pass callbacks(animated-if-leave-callback , animated-if-enter-callback).

to fire event after ng-leave, use $animate.leave(element, scope.leaveonclick)

the enter 1 bit more complicated not call callback on initial loading of directive.

var callback = !oldvalue && $scope.animatedifentercallback ? $scope.animatedifentercallback : (function() {}); $animate.enter(clone, $element.parent(), $element, callback); 

here's enter link description hereupdated plunkr



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