python - How to send SOAP requests in php -

okay have python server running , i've been using "suds" client side has been surprisingly easy, when tried run similar code in php got confused since beginner it?

from suds.client import client  url = 'http://localhost:8080/flightservice?wsdl' client = client(url=url) output = client.service.getflightlist("dxb","ksa") print(output) 

is there ease in php or can show me sample code return same result?

considering server receives this:

class input(complextypes.complextype):     dpt = str      arr = str 

and returns list of flights

class flight(complextypes.complextype):     id    = int     dpt  = str     arr  = str     price = float     date = str     tickets = int 

this webservice:

@webservice(_params=input,_returns=[flight]) def getflightlist(self, input): 

my php segment:

<?php        $url = '';     $client = new soapclient($url);     echo("hello!");     $result = $client->bookflight("dxb","ksa");     $result2 = $client->handle();     echo($result);     echo($result2); ?> 

php error:

fatal error: uncaught soapfault exception: [http] error fetching http headers in c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php:6 stack trace: #0 [internal function]: soapclient->__dorequest('<?xml version="...', 'http://172.27.1...', 'http://172.27.1...', 1, 0) #1 c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php(6): soapclient->__call('getflightlist', array) #2 c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php(6): soapclient->getflightlist('dxb', 'ksa') #3 {main} thrown in c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php on line 6 

exception info:

soapfault object ( [message:protected] => error fetching http headers [string:exception:private] => [code:protected] => 0 [file:protected] => c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php [line:protected] => 6 [trace:exception:private] => array ( [0] => array ( [function] => __dorequest [class] => soapclient [type] => -> [args] => array ( [0] => ksa [1] => [2] => [3] => 1 [4] => 0 ) ) [1] => array ( [file] => c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php [line] => 6 [function] => __call [class] => soapclient [type] => -> [args] => array ( [0] => getflightlist [1] => array ( [0] => dxb [1] => ksa ) ) ) [2] => array ( [file] => c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php [line] => 6 [function] => getflightlist [class] => soapclient [type] => -> [args] => array ( [0] => dxb [1] => ksa ) ) ) [previous:exception:private] => [faultstring] => error fetching http headers [faultcode] => http [xdebug_message] => ( ! ) soapfault: error fetching http headers in c:\wamp\www\soap\soap.php on line 6 call stack #timememoryfunctionlocation 10.0006243160{main}( )..\soap.php:0 20.0758264872getflightlist ( )..\soap.php:6 30.0758265336__call ( )..\soap.php:6 ) 

this solution worked me, instantiated associative array name of variables i'm expecting @ server side used var_dump result of output

<?php        $url = '';     $client = new soapclient($url);     echo("hello!");     $trip["dpt"] = "dxb";     $trip["arr"] = "krt"; try{    $output = $client->getflightlist($trip);     }     catch(soapfault $e)     {     print_r($e);     }     var_dump($output); ?> 


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