wpf - Best way to "group" items "virtually"? -

i'm working on custom items based wpf control. "normal" layout, think vertical stackpanel, xaml like:

<mycontrol>  <item1 />  <item2 />  <item3 /> </mycontrol> 

in case, simple, 3 item containers created , good. control like:

[item1] [item2] [item3] 

use case #2 is, need support horizontal "grouping"... ideally xaml like:

<mycontrol>  <item1 />  <stackpanel orientation=horizontal>   <item2a />   <item2b />   <item2c />  </stackpanel>  <item3 /> </mycontrol> 

and in case, render as:

[item1] [item2a] [item2b] [item2c] [item3] 

so, i'm going 5 item containers being generated. i've worked out custom layout panel , part works.

the issue is, if use stackpanel, i'll 3 item containers makes sense, duh, breaks keyboard interface of control. hacky intercept keyboard , mouse stuff , "re-route" in case, seems hacky , difficult work in generic way.

is there obscure built wpf deal this? "sub items" getting generated thier own containers?

the way i'm heading like:

<item1 /> <item2a isgrouped=true /> <item2b isgrouped=true /> <item2c isgrouped=true /> <item3 /> 

so, when hit first isgrouped=true, it'll start grouping until hits false, i'm not crazy either because i'll have make isgrouped 3 state enum can have 1 group right below group. also, hierarchy not clear in xaml.

any suggestions?

i able more or less going using hierarchicaldatatemplate within treeview uses custom treeviewitem control template. control template, copied example template , made few modifications. of containers in right place, keyboard navigation doesn't work on nested items (because treeview not expecting layout guess). here came with:

<treeview     itemssource="{binding items}">     <treeview.resources>         <color x:key="selectedbackgroundcolor">#ffc5cbf9</color>         <color x:key="selectedunfocusedcolor">#ffdddddd</color>         <style             targettype="{x:type treeviewitem}">             <setter                 property="itemspanel">                 <setter.value>                     <itemspaneltemplate>                         <stackpanel orientation="horizontal" />                     </itemspaneltemplate>                 </setter.value>             </setter>             <setter                 property="isexpanded"                 value="true" />             <setter                 property="template">                 <setter.value>                     <!-- template came example template , has few modifications.                             example at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms752048.aspx -->                     <controltemplate                         targettype="{x:type treeviewitem}">                         <grid>                             <!-- changed grid configuration -->                             <grid.columndefinitions>                                 <columndefinition width="auto" />                                 <columndefinition width="*" />                             </grid.columndefinitions>                             <grid.rowdefinitions>                                 <rowdefinition height="auto" />                             </grid.rowdefinitions>                             <!-- entire visualstategroups section direct copy+paste example template -->                             <visualstatemanager.visualstategroups>                                 <visualstategroup x:name="selectionstates">                                     <visualstate x:name="selected">                                     <storyboard>                                         <coloranimationusingkeyframes                                             storyboard.targetname="bd"                                             storyboard.targetproperty="(panel.background).(solidcolorbrush.color)">                                         <easingcolorkeyframe                                             keytime="0"                                             value="{staticresource selectedbackgroundcolor}" />                                         </coloranimationusingkeyframes>                                     </storyboard>                                     </visualstate>                                     <visualstate x:name="unselected" />                                     <visualstate x:name="selectedinactive">                                     <storyboard>                                         <coloranimationusingkeyframes                                             storyboard.targetname="bd"                                             storyboard.targetproperty="(panel.background).(solidcolorbrush.color)">                                         <easingcolorkeyframe                                             keytime="0"                                             value="{staticresource selectedunfocusedcolor}" />                                         </coloranimationusingkeyframes>                                     </storyboard>                                     </visualstate>                                 </visualstategroup>                                 <visualstategroup x:name="expansionstates">                                     <visualstate x:name="expanded">                                     <storyboard>                                         <objectanimationusingkeyframes                                             storyboard.targetproperty="(uielement.visibility)"                                             storyboard.targetname="itemshost">                                         <discreteobjectkeyframe                                             keytime="0"                                             value="{x:static visibility.visible}" />                                         </objectanimationusingkeyframes>                                     </storyboard>                                     </visualstate>                                     <visualstate x:name="collapsed" />                                 </visualstategroup>                             </visualstatemanager.visualstategroups>                             <!-- removed togglebutton -->                             <!-- tweaked placement of items in grid -->                             <border                                 x:name="bd"                                 background="{templatebinding background}"                                 borderbrush="{templatebinding borderbrush}"                                 borderthickness="{templatebinding borderthickness}"                                 padding="{templatebinding padding}">                                 <contentpresenter                                     x:name="part_header"                                     contentsource="header"                                     horizontalalignment="{templatebinding horizontalcontentalignment}"/>                             </border>                             <itemspresenter                                 x:name="itemshost"                                 grid.column="1" />                         </grid>                         <controltemplate.triggers>                             <!-- removed isexpanded trigger -->                             <multitrigger>                                 <multitrigger.conditions>                                     <condition property="hasheader" value="false" />                                     <condition property="width" value="auto" />                                 </multitrigger.conditions>                                 <setter                                     targetname="part_header"                                     property="minwidth"                                     value="75" />                             </multitrigger>                             <multitrigger>                                 <multitrigger.conditions>                                     <condition property="hasheader" value="false" />                                     <condition property="height" value="auto" />                                 </multitrigger.conditions>                                 <setter                                     targetname="part_header"                                     property="minheight"                                     value="19" />                             </multitrigger>                         </controltemplate.triggers>                     </controltemplate>                 </setter.value>             </setter>         </style>     </treeview.resources>     <treeview.itemtemplate>         <hierarchicaldatatemplate             datatype="{x:type local:myitem}"             itemssource="{binding children}">             <textblock text="{binding name}" />         </hierarchicaldatatemplate>     </treeview.itemtemplate> </treeview> 

for reference, itemssource property bound collection containing items this:

internal class myitem {     public string name { get; private set; }      public list<myitem> children { get; private set; }      public myitem(string name = null)     {         name = name;         children = new list<myitem>();     } } 

this done without creating custom control, gives idea of can do. combination of heirarchicaldatatemplate , specialized container type (in case treeviewitem custom control template) key way did it.

here data tested , result:

public ienumerable<myitem> items { get; private set; }  ...  var items = new myitem[] {     new myitem("[first]"),     new myitem(),     new myitem("[third]") }; items[1].children.add(new myitem("[second_0]")); items[1].children.add(new myitem("[second_1]")); items[1].children.add(new myitem("[second_2]")); items = items; 


i sure visualization improved. threw in under 10 minutes.


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